My Grandpa Stratton had a massive stroke last night. He is completely unresponsive and has no brain activity. We moved him into a Hospice facility because that was his wish. Right now it's just a waiting game. As sad as I am and as hard as this is, I am thankful for three things: 1) My Grandpa's one wish this Christmas was that he could spend it with my Grandma (who passed away in March). It's look like now his wish will come true. 2) Because the stroke was so severe, the doctors tell us he isn't in any pain. 3) I am lucky to have an amazingly close, huge and supportive family. It's times like these when we all need someone to lean on, and in our family there is never a shortage of shoulders for that.
Now it's time for me to vent. Is it really wrong for me to want to spend as much time with my family as possible right now? To be with my grandpa for as long as I can? So when I cancel plans with someone for that reason is it too much to ask that they be understanding and maybe even a little sympathetic? Instead of basically calling me a jerk and telling me that we shouldn't hang out anymore? (This is a "friend" by the way, not someone I am dating). So I'm a little pissed. No, I am ALOT pissed. I guess I don't need friends like that anyways right?
Anyways, please keep my Grandpa in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep everyone updated.
Monday, December 15, 2008
An Update
Posted by Lisa at 5:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
This Post is Dedicated to My Best Friend
Posted by Lisa at 8:43 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
"At least I can walk away knowing I did nothing wrong, that I gave it my all and YOU failed ME...I didn't fail myself."
I guess that's all I can ask for...
Posted by Lisa at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I am going to start a book of quotes.
I was watching A Walk to Remember today, and in the movie, Jamie, the lead female, gives Landon, the lead male, a book of her mothers' favorite quotes.
Wouldn't that be a great gift to pass on through the genenerations? People could pass it on throughout time and add to it as they wish?
In honor of is my quote for today...
"My life was an unending must, by neccessity, always be midnight for me. So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?"
Posted by Lisa at 9:25 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I guess I have to blog about Twilight considering my obsession with it. I went to the midnight showing on Thursday (which meant I went into work on Friday with only 3 hours of's a good thing I only work half days on Fridays). Danielle and her sister were my Twilight companions....
I was EXTREMELY dissapointed in the movie. I know that it is impossible to recreate a 500 page book into a 2 hour movie, but honestly...SO many things were different. Pivotal, chapter long scenes in the book (like the meadow scene, baseball scene, and others) were reduced to two-minute scenes in the movie. The movie went into NO background of the Cullen is that going to affect the other movies????? Plus the acting was horrible...I was laughing at scenes that were supposed to be serious because they were so cheesy.
Oh well...I'm a bookworm. Of course I like the book better. I actually might see the movie again...I might be less critical now that I know what to expect. I'm on my 5th time reading the series the whole way through....maybe after I'm done I'll move onto something else...maybe... :)
Although I had a BLAST at the showing. I picked up Danielle's sister, Ashley, at about 8:00pm and Danielle drove up from Tucson by 11 or so. Ashley and I sat and talked for hours...she really is a great girl (right, D?). She reminds me of myself when I was 17. That's what I've always said...that Ashley and I are one in the same. She's amazingly mature for 17 year old. By the time Danielle got there I was so tired (I'm usually in bed by 10pm) that I was a little weird. A few of my other friends were there as well, but we didn't wait in line with them.
Overall, it's a great memory... :)
Posted by Lisa at 7:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Adventures of a Single 21 Year Old Part 4...?: Being Number 1
In my entire 'dating' life I've never been anyone's number 1. Even when I was with someone for four f-ing years i was NEVER the most important thing to him. Not once. I've never been anyone's Number 1. I've never been a priority...never an "I'd rather be with her than anyone else". I know it exists...I've seen it happen.
I'm not high maintenance. I don't ask for much. I like having my own time and hanging with my own friends...but I want someone who is willing to make sacrifices and compromises to be with me too. I mean is that too much to ask? I think most of the time I am too nice...I get walked over. I will do anything for the people I care about...friends, family, anyone. I put myself last.
Is it to much to ask for someone to put me first? Just once?
Posted by Lisa at 8:46 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Does it bug everyone that I am completely obsessed with Twilight ???? TOO BAD! It's amazing! Danielle, her sister (Ashley) and I are going to the midnight showing on Thursday. Can't wait. The last time I went to a midnight showing of a movie is when my dad and I went to see the Star Wars (almost as awesome...but not quite).
I bought a Twilight shirt from Hot Topic last weekend. I got a compliment on it today from a teenage girl. Sweet.
I wish Whitney Houston would make another CD. The Bodyguard is on TV right now. She has an amazing voice.
I'm getting a new phone this week...thinking about switching to Verizon. Anyone have that hates or loves it? I really don't talk on the phone that much...but I text ALL the time. Need a network that has a good texting plan...
I love clean sheets. If I weren't so lazy I would wash my sheets every week. Or every day. Not only do they smell good...but they are cat-hair-free after washing. Love it.
I keep wondering where the heck Andrew works? Wasn't he supposed to blog about it??? (He's still my favorite cousin by the one has dethrowned him yet)
I love the holidays. I have the most amazing, craziest family in the world and I love seeing them. I'll be eating dinner at my Aunt Linda's house with my dad's family (it's the first Thanksgiving since my grandma passed'll be sad without her there) then onto dessert at our house with my mom's family. Can't wait. PLUS my dad will be in town the entire week of Thanksgiving, which is great since I haven't seen him much lately.
Last Saturday was the 5 year anniversary since Nick died. I didn't blog about it because well...I didn't want to. Every year I try to ignore the day and every year it hits me like a ton of bricks. It's weird how one event can shape the rest of your life. Hm.
The Notebook is on TV now (apparently it's chick flick day on ABC Family)...although it is not the greatest movie of all time, Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors of all time. He usually comes out with a new book this time of I look forward to it as a Christmas present!
My cat is old. We have a column/pillar type thing in our house and she walks around it in circles all day....and meows alot. I should take her to the vet, but vets are expensive unfortunately. I can't afford tests and medications and all that.
I think Barack Obama will make a great President. Or at least I hope he will. Change is a-comin' that's for sure.
I might apply for a job with the the Red Cross. maybe. I feel like Phoenix is draining the life out of me. I hope I am brave enough to take a chance and move somewhere different. maybe.
I want to lay down in the middle of a street and watch the stoplights change.
I don't have any cool "Adventures of a Single 21-Year Old" stories lately. This has to do with the fact that I am too caught up to meet anyone new. Maybe someday that'll change.
I might take Friday off work, due to the fact that the Twilight premiere is Thursday night and I might got to the Dunes for the weekend. We'll see. I have a ton of PTO built up and don't have any plans to use it, so I might as well take a few hours off. I need it.
Bye bye. :)
Posted by Lisa at 6:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
"Yes we can"
I've been posting alot lately...maybe I'll get in the habit of writing daily like Amy. Okay...probably not. Who knows could happen. Today I will amuse you with another installment of......
"Adventures of a a Single 21-Year Old Part III: "What to do when you can't 'see' anyone else"
Here's the issue...what do you do when you are technically 'single' but still only want to be with one person? I meet alot of guys....not neccesarily high quality guys, because of where I hang out, but attractive people of the male species nonetheless. But I don't care, because in my heart, I'm not single. In my heart, there's only one person I want to be with. What do I do when I can't "see" anyone else?
It's hard to be "technically" single when I'm not "emotionally" single. In general, I have a hard time opening up to people. My boss said to me today, "Jeez, Lisa, you're such a private person". True. It's harder lately I only allow myself to be open to this one person, or do I put myself out there for more? I don't know that answer.
Is it better to throw yourself into something that could be great and possibly get hurt, or only go halfway and never know what could've been?
And to leave you with a quote...
"And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays"
Williams Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III, Scene I
Posted by Lisa at 9:07 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Did you?
I don't care what your politics are...if you didn't vote today you have no right to complain about or critisize who are next President is. Polls close in about an hour here in Phoenix...go vote!
Honestly no matter who wins this is a historical election...we will either elect the first African-American president, or the oldest first term President and first female Vice-President. With all of the bad things going on in the world right now, I am so proud to say I am alive to see and participate in this election. Absolutely incredible.
Posted by Lisa at 7:52 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
As some (or none) of you may know, I tend to "favorite" things alot. The phrase "She's/He's/It's my favorite!" comes out of my mouth quite often. Still, me bestowing a "favorite" title on someone is quite an honor if I do say so myself.
I'd just like to let you all know that today I named Andrew as my favorite cousin. Why you ask? He referenced Twilight twice in one day (in comments to me on Myspace). He knew from my status about sparkly vampires that I was of course talking about my fictional vampire boyfriend, Edward. Awesome.
Although Amy is in close second after her amazing post today about lessons learned from scary movies. Made me laugh quite a bit.
Sorry to all my other cousins. Do something awesome, and you too will be my favorite.
Posted by Lisa at 3:04 PM 5 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
I realize I have been a little down and out lately. I want to assure everyone I really am okay. I haven't been quite my optimistic, happy self...but I'm okay.
I can't say why right now either. Fact is that I have alot of tough decisions to make in the next couple months (or weeks or days), and it's one of those things that no matter what road I take someone will be dissapointed. I am trying to balance what is right for me and what is right for everyone else and it's not easy. So I'm sorry if I've been a downer lately.
I honestly wish that I could write about what is going on, but I can't right now. It would stir up unneccessary drama. When I can I will.
Let me ask you all this...if you had a chance to change something in your life, for the better, would you do it, even if it meant probably hurting some people you love? How do you balanace your own needs and wants with everyone else's?
Oh and I will post a few pics from Mexico...there's some really cute ones of the kids. :)
Posted by Lisa at 8:16 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Can someone convince that everything really does happen for a reason?
I usually believe that, but at this moment I'm really not too sure.
Anyways, on a happier note, I had a great time in Mexico this past weekend. But what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico, so no pictures I can post :)
Posted by Lisa at 8:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Episode III: Have you ever...?
That's a great old song by Brandy. Late 90s I think. Not high quality music, but good none the less.
Ever seen the movie "The Holiday"? Probably my favorite chick flick of all time. Kate Winslet's intro is fabulous.
Ever watch "Sex and the City"? Carrie and Mr.Big's relationship is the best and worst of relationships all at once.
Ever think that if you wish for something hard enough it will come true?
I wish I knew how to walk away.
"Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you..."
Posted by Lisa at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Adventures of a Single 21 Year-old
Episode II: Does age really matter?
I seem to be attracting old guys. Old creepy guy with a serious cat fetish. Old married guy...just ew. Old guy who is awesome and funny and educated and has a ten-year old daughter...he wants a mom for his kid. crap.
Is there something about me that attracts old guys? I definitely don't give off a vulnerable, please-take-care-of-me vibe. Probably exactly the opposite actually. I don't think I look older than I am (although people keep telling me I look 25...odd...).
I don't think age really matters. Not the number itself. It's more the fact that older guys tend to be on the marriage/family track and I'm...not on that track. And I tell these guys that and they don't believe me!!! Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth???
(On a side note...does anyone else think it's creepy when a guy wants you to talk to his cat over the phone? Yes...this actually happened to me. More than once!)
This is a good song. "Without You" by Hinder
"Without you, I live it up a little more everyday. Without you, I’m seein myself so differently. I didn’t wanna believe it then, But it all worked out in the end. When I watched you walk away Well I never thought id say I’m fine... Without you"
maybe someday I'll get to the point of being fine without you
Posted by Lisa at 9:48 PM 1 comments
Need costume's what I have so far...
- A vampire...the Twilight version of course. But it's hard "dress up" like that. Find some yellow or black contacts, white powder to make myself pale, some light purple coloring under my eyes so i look "thirsty" and...nothing else. Normal clothes. No fangs. Kinda boring... D-any ideas for this???
- Can Can dancer...always wanted to be one. It'd be a generic costume because i don't have time to make a cool one
- A pirate wench...which i was last year. it's such a cool costume though, and this year I'll be going out in it! No time, no money...done.
- Something sports themed...maybe a referee...or something. Due to my lack of sports knowledge, I've never done this before.
Think people! Less than 3 weeks until Halloween!
Posted by Lisa at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I think I'm going to change the name of my blog to "The Life and Times of a Single 21-year Old" or "Sex and the (slightly smaller) City". Blog about life as a single woman, since it seems to me that we are few and far between these days. I do some crazy things and get put in some weird situations in my escapades. So I'm thinking that I'll blog about some likes, dislikes and general adventures...maybe you all will get a giggle out of it.
Tonight my topic will be annoyance. Here's the thing. I'm pretty confident when it comes to the dating scene. I'm a (huge) flirt, I'm comfortable around guys, and I can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. I know I'm not a supermodel, but I also know I'm not an ogre.
I gave my number to 2 guys this past weekend. Both nice, normal guys. When guys ask for my number, I never actually expect them to call. Some do, some don't...most of the time I forget I even gave my number to anyone. So to my surprise...BOTH of these guys called (ok-they texted,but I've accepted that as the norm). Within 2 days. Wow. After talking for a bit, here's what I get from both of them
Guy:"We should hang out sometime" (ok....could you bit a more vague???)
Me: "Sure, maybe we could get dinner or something this week" (vague as well, but I do this in hope they will make a plan or already have something in mind)
Guy: "Sounds great just let me know like when you're free and stuff and whatever and blah"
Why even say we should "hang out" if you aren't going to be specific? Is it really that hard to say "How about we go to dinner on Wednesday?" or something similar? If I'm not free that night, I'll suggest a different day! So now it's up to me, to pick a day and plan a FIRST date, which I'm sorry should be the guys duty as the one who chose to contact me. Don't call/text me and then be all vague about hanging out.
Could I be the one who says "Let's hang out on Wednesday night"...yes. BUT the guy should be more proactive about asking. As much as I am for equal rights and all that feminist crap, some things are just common courtesy. And it's the same thing with every guy I've dated in the past year.
So here's something that goes on my "Pro" list. Guys who MAKE THE EFFORT. MAke the effort to call and plan a first date. Make the effort to let a girl know you're interested instead of playing games. I will do the same in return, but I'm not going to do it one sided.
So there's my single-gal rant. Keep in mind with these posts that I actually love being single. No desire to change it. My hope is that some random guy will run across this and say "Ah ha! That's the reason I'm single...because I don't make the effort!"
That's how a blog can change the world!!! hahahaha
End of rant. Peace.
Posted by Lisa at 8:31 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by Lisa at 7:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Toose 2008
Went to Tucson this past weekend for my friends' birthdays...




Posted by Lisa at 11:17 PM 1 comments
Posted by Lisa at 10:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Did you know that 'I told you so' has a brother, Jacob? His name is 'Shut the Hell up'"

In case I haven't mentioned it, I love my job. This is my last week at the front desk (I think..last I heard...this changes regularly though due to the previous receptionist's flakiness) then I'll be in my lovely cubicle. I'll take pics. I'm adult. When did that happen?
Posted by Lisa at 9:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Even more I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew--knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest--was how love gave someone the power to break you. I'd been broken beyond repair." New Moon by Stephenie Meyer pg 219
And a link
Twilight Trailer
Posted by Lisa at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
you know what i love?
when it's raining and sunny all at the same time. I took a picture of what it looked like when that happened today, but it's on my phone...i don't know how to get pictures off of it.
I think i'm going to start posting random things. Kevin does it alot. Videos, quotes from books, etc. I love it when i come across things like this, but have nothing to do with them. So i guess they'll go here.
nothing today though...on my way out to dinner with one of my best friends. :)
Peace Out.
Posted by Lisa at 7:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008




Posted by Lisa at 3:29 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Excuse me while I brag...
...which I don't normally do.
BUT I had lunch with the president of RPA yesterday and he offered me a permanent position with the company. I don't know what my "title" is yet...since the position is kind of being created for me. Something along the lines of "marketing specialist" or "marketing coordinator" or "queen of the world" (jk...).
Anyways, I'm jazzed. Stoked. Tickled. All those great things. RPA really is such a fantastic company. Someday I'll devote a whole blog to how much I admire my boss...I know I sound like a suck-up, but he really is an amazing person.
So that's my job, moving out in 6-ish weeks, trying out a new relationship...all good things. I'm a pretty lucky girl :)
Posted by Lisa at 9:48 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Would you like me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away
Here's some pics from the midnight release party I went to Friday night for Stephenie Meyer's newest (and last...) book in the Twilight series, "Breaking Dawn". It was really good. Unfortunately probably my least favorite of the four because she changed the way she wrote in the last book, but still an excellent book and well worth staying up all night Friday and most of the day Saturday to read all 750 pages. Danielle and her sister Ashley stayed at my house Friday night and all day Saturday so we could read it together. It was technically a sleepover, although it involved almost no sleep and we were all either in seperate rooms or sitting on the couch reading in silence. Great fun :)
Posted by Lisa at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Oh and check out my pretty new profile pic! it's look weird when it's small, but I actually really like the picture. I took it while I was messing around with my webcam on my laptop, then fiddled with it using the Picasa software that you can download from Google. Scha-weet.
Posted by Lisa at 2:58 PM 2 comments
So apparently I'm not gonna have as much time to post as I thought...
I already started my "training" under the market manager on, third day here. I got to go to a marketing meeting last week and actually got assigned some projects to work on before the next meeting (which is tomorrow). Being the incredibly hard worker I am (haha) I finished them all this morning, and am taking a break before I start back up on this ongoing (but no due date) project I'm working on with the marketing manager. So basically I am being kept busy between the marketing stuff, plus all the "normal" receptionist stuff I have to do as well. I still love it and everyone here is great. Not one person I even remotely don't like. yay!
Some other ramblings....
Countdown to move out date (sorry, mom, nothing personal. I'm just excited): I have no idea. Hopefully by October 1st? There's these great apartments I found that are fairly cheap and living there would take about 10-15 minutes off of my drive time to work. Nice! They're right next to the Pointe Hilton at 7th st and Peoria-ish.
I am NOT a morning person! I don't like getting up at 6am. I am usually so tired that I pass out by 10pm. I think if I keep working here I am going to change my hours to 8:30-5:30, instead of 8-5. Give me another 30min of sleep in the mornings. I'm very rarely tired at work, it's just getting out of bed that early that's hard.
Stephenie Meyer's new book, Breaking Dawn, comes out in 9 days. I'm going to the midnight release party with Danielle and her sister, Ashley, who are just as obsessed with these books as I am. Cannot wait! It's going to be a blast...I will definitely take pictures.
Still haven't seen The Dark Knight :(
My sister and I are having a yard sale this weekend for my dad at his house (43rd ave and paradise ln), so everyone should stop by and buy our crap haha. There's actually alot of books, and some kitchen stuff...and possibly even some furniture if my dad decides what he's selling. So come by on Saturday, between 7:30 and 12:30. Tons o' fun! I love yard sales!
Um...I know, no Europe pics. In my defense, there are more than 200 on both my Myspace and my Facebook. It's a pain to upload pics and I've gotten to the point that I don't like to be on the computer much at home now that I'm on it all day here. Soon enough. Aunt Nancy, we really should just have a family get together sometime soon and I 'll bring my disc of pics to show you...they're much more entertaining with my narrations :)
I wish I had enough money to by a house :( so many people I know are getting houses built and it's makes me jealous. It also makes me feel like a loser because I'm 21 and still at home, but such is life. Maybe I'll be able to afford a house in a couple of years... on the beach... in San Diego.
Nothing else....gotta get back to work. FYI- I am working on creating a list of EVERY SINGLE math and science teacher in the Phoenix Metro area. If for some reason you need the name/number of ANY math or science teacher in the Phoenix Metro area, hit me up. Not just high school either...6th-12th grade. Phew. That's why I'm writing this instead of doing's quite tedious. Thank God for the world wide web :)
Posted by Lisa at 2:22 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So I started my new job's pretty fantastic. I don't do a whole lot (obviously...I'm at work right now...), but I like it.
I actually I don't think I ever even posted about getting a job, did I?! I'm working as the receptionist for Ritoch-Powell & Associates, which is the civil engineering firm my brother-in-law Steve is a partner in. It's a good job for now...I'm actually just filling in for the regular receptionist while she is on maternity leave for 3 months. Full time, 8-5 Mon-Thurs and 8-12 on Fridays. Nice!
I kind of just fell into this job. I hadn't found one since I got back from Europe and Steve mentioned RPA needed someone to fill in. I know the president of the company and some of the other partners through Steve, so they basically just gave me the job. But here's the really cool thing...Karl, the president of RPA, sat me down on my first day and told me that he thinks I have a real future with the company and he wants to have their marketing manager train me to take on alot of the work she does now. SO...when my 3 months here at the front desk is up, he wants to move me into a salaried position under the marketing manager. Sweet, huh? He even told me he would work around my school schedule when I go back to grad school in January.
I'm excited...the job as it is right now is kind of boring, just alot of answering phones and mailing things, etc. But the people who work here (all 30 men and 5 women!!!) are so nice and funny. The guys tease and give eachother (and me) a hard time, but it's really a great group of people to work with.
Be expecting me to post more often since, like I said, there isn't alot to do until the marketing manager starts training me some more. Enjoy the randomness that will be my future postings :)
Posted by Lisa at 5:02 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I can't help feeling like everyone around me is moving forward with their lives, and I'm just stuck in the same place. When did that happen?
Posted by Lisa at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I know, I'm slacking. No pictures yet. They're all uploaded, but it's so time consuming to go through all 1200+ pictures to find a few worthy ones from each city. Plus, I'm still waiting to get pictures from my friend/roomate who took pictures on the couple of days my camera battery died (and I was not smart enough to have bought a second battery...)
In other news, no job yet. Apparently I suck. Sure, I have a brand-spankin new degree under my belt, but no real world experience to supplement it. Dang me for never doing an internship.
Almost ready to send in my application to grad school
I read the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyer in 3 days. For those of you who know, this series is being compared to the quality and poularity of Harry Potter (which I have not read and therfore cannot compare). Right now it's only 3 books, all over 500/600 pages. That's the perk of not having a job, I get to sit around and read all day. The fourth book will be out in August, but I'm sure I'll re-read the first 3 before it comes out. SO good.
There's an artist I was introduced to by Danielle who I am now obsessed with named Chester See. Go listen to him on Youtube (his myspace is hard to find for some reason). Best song by far is "God damn you're beautiful", but there are many other good ones as well. He's unsigned, no songs on Itunes unfortunately. Soon hopefully.
I had a...weird night tonight. Hard to explain and I don't really want to. I get to go camping this weekend, so it'll be nice to get out of the city and clear my head a little bit. Apparently I need a vacation from my vacation.
Pictures up soon. Promise. By next week, if not sooner.
Posted by Lisa at 12:10 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 06, 2008
I'm home and in (almost) one piece. Took about 1200 pictures so i will have to pick a few to put on here.
So tired and still jetlagged. Need to unpack, do laundry, and look for a job. Bah. I waana go back!!!
Posted by Lisa at 7:46 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
I love sitting around doing nothing all day. Fab-u-lous.
Two weeks from today I will have graduated from college. Ah!
Back to laying in bed...the first day I have had completely free in months and months and I am living it up. Gonna go see Ironman tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to Lake Pleasant to for the first camping trip of summer. Next week is gonna be full of packing and getting ready for Europe, one paper and a few hours of work.
I need a job when I get back...keep your ears and eyes open for something...I will work just about anywhere!
Posted by Lisa at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's 2:30am
and I can't sleep. Why? Well...probably because I am so sleep deprived that I have had about 25 cans of soda today just to stay awake and they all hit me at about midnight. There may be something more useful I could be doing, but's 2:30am and I don't feel like it. So I figured I'd post a lil and bore you all with the thoughts and goings on of my life
I graduate in oh....10 days. Funny thing is that I wasn't really even excited about it until this week. People have been asking me all semester if I'm excited to graduate, and honestly I wasn't. I had too much going on, full class load, work, friends, etc etc to really even think about it. But I had my last class tonight and now all I have left is one final and one paper and I'm done. And now...I am ecstatic. I just can't believe it's almost here...I almost have my college degree. It's amazing feeling. I really am proud of myself, which is something I never say even if I think it. I'm just very thankful that I had the opportunity to even go to college. I'm really very lucky.
Next comes Europe. Leavin May 12th will be gone until June 4th. I met some of the people I will be going with last week and it is a really great group of people. I was nervous because it would have been terrible to not know anyone and get stuck with a boring group, but everyone I met is a lot of fun. I'll be taking TONS of pictures, but I probably won't be able to post em until I get back. I'm not bringing my laptop so I don't know what my interent access will be like because I'll have to find internet cafes. There's so much to do to get ready to leave though. Besides the obvious packing stuff, I have to figure out currency exchanging, call the bank to let them know i will be using my cards overseas, make copies of my important info, order a new drivers licsense, buy some things i need to pack, make sure i get my bills for the month paid before I leave, etc. Ay it's alot. But it'll be worth it. And since all i have to do is work a few hours next week I should have plenty of time to do it (hint hint: if anyone wants to get me a graduation present, a lil monetary donation to my Europe trip would be greatly appreciated...spread the word...)
I need a job still. I've had some interviews, but I'm either too qualified and the people think I will get bored and quit, or I'm not quite qualified enough. It's ok though, I will start seriously job hunting when I get back. I may end up working at one or two or three part time jobs until I find something more permanant. The problem is that since I'm planning on going back to grad school in January, I don't know if it's worth it to find a "permanent" job because I will either have to quit or only work part time come January.
I need to get my grad school stuff in order too. Letters of Rec, personal statement, etc. Hopefully I will have it all done and turned in by the end of June. eek.
I still need someone to sublet my apartment in Tucson...keep your ears open for anyone looking for a place down there. It's a really great apartment I promise!
I guess that's really all that's new. This semester truly has just been a whirlwind. I feel like I just started the semester and now it's already over.
But really that's how this whole year has been. This time last year I had just broken up with Davis, my parents were just about to split up, I was moving, starting a new summer life basically was turned upside down. Ending what I thought was going to be a lifelong relationship was just about the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but honestly I have not regretted it once. I didn't realize how far away from my true self I had gotten in the time we were together. I am not saying that is anyone's fault, but I had gotten to the point that I really did not like myself because I had been sacrificing so much of myself for his happiness for so long. I feel like where I am today, I really am the person I used to be, only better. Well, hopefully better. I have gotten so much of my independent personality back and that was something I always liked about myself. I have allowed myself to open up to so many new people and new experiences in the past year, and I never would have had those opportunities if I hadn't left.
Also, I feel like I have had more honest to goodness FUN in the past year than I had had in so long. I have renewed alot of my old friendships, and strengthened ones that I had kept all along. I've taken chances and opened up and just really enjoyed life. I'm looking forward to continuing to do that. Spontaneity definitely creates some of the best memories.
I guess that's really all. Apparently I get very contemplative at 2:30am...haha. But I'm tired now so hopefully I will fall asleep soon. I hope to see you all at my graduation party next week!
Oh and ps...I've also been dating a really great guy for just about three months now...maybe ya'll will get to meet him soon :)
Posted by Lisa at 3:15 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
This is what my grandpa said to my grandma today after we told him that she will most likely not get any better. She's been very agitated and restless...basically won't let anyone touch her. My grandpa kept trying to hold her hand, and she continued to pull away. After she did this a few times he said
"Don't let go of my hand...I might get lost..."
And the next time she held onto his hand for just a little bit longer than usual.
heartbreaking and beautiful all at the same time. after 52 years of marriage they still love eachother like newlyweds...i hope i'm lucky enough to find that one day. i hope we all are...
Posted by Lisa at 11:36 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Just an FYI...
Of course, I will also be even more incomunicado for the next 6 weeks. What I have going on...
- Surviving taking 18 credit hours. ouch. no fun.
- Sending out graduation announcements and planning a graduation party.
- Prepare for Europe...this means figuring out what I need to bring, learning some key words in 5 different languages, actually packing, etc, etc...
- Work and try not to go completely broke before I graduate
- Not turn into a hermit and try to actually enjoy this last semester
- Apply for jobs. Oh the real world is a joy already.
- Help my family out...for those who don't know, my grandma stratton is very very sick and probably will not live much longer. We've heard this before, but this time it's really happening. So I've been spending quite a bit of time at the hospital lately.
The end. See you all in 6 weeks, because you better come to my party!
Posted by Lisa at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
I know I'm a loser and I haven't posted hardly at all lately, but I had to post tonight. Why you ask...?
Because my best friend in the whole world got engaged tonight!!! And words cannot explain how excited I am for them both. They are the type of couple who can make anyone believe that true love and soul mates really do exist. I feel so privaleged to be her maid of honor and to be able to witness what will no doubt be an amazing wedding. The engagement was no surprise, but it is still so exciting that it is official now.
And since Danielle reads this (I think...) I LOVE YOU!!! Congrats again :)
Posted by Lisa at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Just made another post on my Pop Culture blog. This one is about how the image of cowboys and western movies have changed over time. Enjoy!
Posted by Lisa at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for making my birthday so special! I had a great time at all of my parties and loved my wonderful presents. So thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!
No time to post pics right now, but you can check out Amy's blog to see the beautiful pictures she took!
Posted by Lisa at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I am OFFICIALLY going to Europe after I graduate!!!! Just put down the deposit. woot.
I can't wait...24 days of vacation, sightseeing, and history. I think NEXT summer (2009) I'm going to try to go to Spain for 10 days or so, since I've always wanted to go there and this trip won't be going there. Maybe...if I can save enough money over the next year. It's not like I need to save money for, oh I don't know, grad school or anything right??? :-)
Anywho, I'm excited. yay!
Oh and this is my 100th post apparently. Woo hoo I broke triple digits.
Posted by Lisa at 11:55 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Exciting news!
Awhile back I "applied" to be a penpal for soldier serving overseas and I just found out who I'm going to be writing to! For safety reasons, I'm not going to post all his information on here, but his name is Christian and he is serving in Iraq right now. I'm doing it through a great organization called Adoptaplatoon. I'm sending out my first letter to him tomorrow!
If anyone would like me to send along a message of support or anything to him I would be more than happy to do that. I will also periodically be sending care packages and if you want to send something I will do that too.
I'm pretty excited to do this. Hopefully
Posted by Lisa at 10:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
blog, blog, blog and more blog
So my blog for my Pop Culture class is up and running and you can check it out at
My first blog is about the history of the Easy Bake Oven and how it reinforces female gender roles. Pretty interesting...and there are some fun pictures of original Easy Bake Ovens. Comment on it if you like...if my blog is the best on that topic then I get extra credit! It should be posted by tonight or tomorrow.
Enjoy reading about my crazy topics for that class! I feel like a blog officianado because I'm one of the only people in that class that already has a blog. So go Blogspot for making me sound knowledgable.
I'm sitting at work right listening to people get tutoring for O-Chem. I feel bad for everyone who has ever had to take that class.
Posted by Lisa at 1:38 PM 13 comments
Labels: pop culture
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The rest of my life that is
it's the second week of school and i figured maybe I should post about the rest of my classes.
Marriage and Family- OK when I signed up for this course, I thought it was "Family Studies". it turns out this class is identical to a class I took last semester titled "Courtship and Marriage", which I hated. I mean, it uses the EXACT SAME BOOK. Luckily, I have friends in this class, the professor is hilarious, and I still rememeber alot of the info from last semester's class. Should be easy.
Sociology of Deviance- Talked about whether or not stripping was a deviant behavior today in class. haha. I actually thought I would hate this class, but the professor is so great and it is very interactive...lots of class discussion. Plus, once again, I know a few people in the class. AND it's the professor's first semester at ASU West, and she thinks classes are only an hour long...not an hour and 15 minutes. So we've been getting out 15 minutes early every day. One day I'm sure someone will tell her, but for now it's nice.
Mexican Politics- I'm a little obsessed with Mexico so this is a great class for me. Plus, if I decide to go into the Peace Corps I will either go to Central America or Mexico (hopefully) so it's useful. My professor is this hilarious old white guy who has lived in just about every state in Mexico for some span of time. We get all these great stories from what it's really like down there, not just the tourist view. Muy interesante si?
Qualitative Methods- KILL ME NOW. Not only is the subject matter boring (basically social science research methods), but this professor is notorious for being a hard ass and the pickiest grader alive. Unfortunately she's also the only one who teaches this course and it's required for my major. This will be by far my most difficult class. I have to pick a research topic for this class...I think I've decided on teen suicide (because it's the most interesting of the topics we could choose from) but I'm having trouble finding qualitative research on it. ugh.
And the end. I love my job. I work with some fun people and I get homework done. yay!
Oh- and my birthday is in 8 days...woot. woot. :-)
Posted by Lisa at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
The first day of the rest of my life...
Or maybe just the first day of the end of my undergrad career. yay!
Class #1: Global Social Movements...GREAT professor (this is actually my 3rd class with this professor), I know (and like) a few people in the class, and the content should be interesting. We'll be going over things like the environmental/global warming movements, human rights movements, feminist movements, etc and how the media and politics affect the movements. Interesting....
Class #2: Popular Culture...professor seems good and very energetic, I know some people...but not really anyone I've talked to much before. There is NO BOOK (hooray!) and we get to watch a bunch of movies and things like that. We also get to make our own blog about different topics in the class, so I'll make sure to post the link on here so you all can check it out once I start writing in it. We get to study vampires...and Harry Potter...and YouTube. Should be fun!
That's all I have today...tomorrow I have class from 12:30-9:15 with only an hour break in the middle. Ouch.
Posted by Lisa at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
What's new in '08
This is what I'm up to...
- Starting my LAST semester of my undergrad career on Monday. 18 credit hours...should be fun! I'm nervous and scared, but excited as well. I can almost put a check next to this spot in my "things I want to accomplish in life" list.
- I got a job on campus as a front desk assistant at the Student Success Center. 8 hours a week...not much, but better than nothing.
- I turn 21 in 3 weeks (from today!). It's not like being 21 will change my life, but it's still exciting.
- I am saving up to go to Europe after I graduate. There is this month long trip for graduating students. I was planning on going to Europe next summer either by myself or on a cruise, but this would be so much better...and less expensive. That being said...if anyone is looking to get me a gift for the aforementioned birthday...a donation towards my trip would be a great one! :-)
- Still single, still happy.
- I'm writing this from my super cool new computer that I got for Christmas. My other one was about to die so hopefully this one will last me for a few years...if I'm lucky it'll last me until I'm out of grad school!
- Oh! that's another thing. I'm considering going into the Peace Corps when I get out of grad school. It's a new idea and it's 3 years aways so alot could change by then, but I'm looking into it. I think it would be a life changing opportunity.
- My New Year's "resolution" (I don't make resolutions so this is more like a goal or something) is to challenge myself. Meet new people, try new things, etc. I figure moving to Tucson in August will be a pretty big 'challenge' so I might as well practice a little before I move.
That's it! My life is not very exciting, but I figured I would post since I hadn't really posted in awhile. The Girl Scout Cookie Sale starts this Saturday, and anyone who knows my neice Kassi is required to order from her before anyone else! You can email me if you want to order cookies since I'm one of her leaders.
Happy very belated New Year!
Posted by Lisa at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 07, 2008
I haven't posted in awhile, and I hate that the first thing I am posting about in weeks has to be something this tragic.
2 Deer Valley Students killed in Bus Crash
When this article was written only 2 students had been killed, but as of about 30 minutes ago a third student -a sophomore named Jasmine- has died as well. On top of that, a teacher at Bellair had a son in the crash who has broken bones but survived. Unfortunately he witnessed the deaths of two people in his best friend's family. His best friend and his friend's older brother both survived, but their dad, aunt, and grandma all died and their mother is barely holding on. The nephew of another woman who works at Bellair died as well. Can you even imagine? It's beyond tragic.
It's surreal because the bus was coming back from Telluride. I'm not sure if it's the same road I drove back on the few times I went to Telluride because the bus had to take a detour, but still. Deer Valley actually takes a bus trip to Telluride every year, but this trip was not through the school.
All the reports and witnesses say it was the bus drivers fault. He was speeding on a very unsafe part of the highway at night. And he walks away with minor crashes because he was the only one on the bus who had a seatbelt. Isn't that how it works? The jerk who causes the crash and kills close to a dozen people walks away fine. It amazes me that that's how the world works sometimes. And at the risk of sounding bitter and's unfair. Three teenagers with their whole lives ahead of them are dead because some idiot was in rush to get home.
OK-I'm ending now. It all just hits a little too close to home. And 95% of the time I am not angry...but something like this happens and I can't help but be utterly and severly pissed off at the world. And at that jerk who was in a hurry to get home and walked away with only a few scratches.
Pray for the people who died, the people who are still in the hospital, and all of their families.
Posted by Lisa at 9:32 PM 1 comments