Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"Yes we can"

I've been posting alot lately...maybe I'll get in the habit of writing daily like Amy. Okay...probably not. Who knows could happen. Today I will amuse you with another installment of......

"Adventures of a a Single 21-Year Old Part III: "What to do when you can't 'see' anyone else"

Here's the issue...what do you do when you are technically 'single' but still only want to be with one person? I meet alot of guys....not neccesarily high quality guys, because of where I hang out, but attractive people of the male species nonetheless. But I don't care, because in my heart, I'm not single. In my heart, there's only one person I want to be with. What do I do when I can't "see" anyone else?

It's hard to be "technically" single when I'm not "emotionally" single. In general, I have a hard time opening up to people. My boss said to me today, "Jeez, Lisa, you're such a private person". True. It's harder lately I only allow myself to be open to this one person, or do I put myself out there for more? I don't know that answer.

Is it better to throw yourself into something that could be great and possibly get hurt, or only go halfway and never know what could've been?

And to leave you with a quote...

"And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays"
Williams Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III, Scene I


Amy T Schubert said...

1- your title is misleading
2- you're awesome. I love your stories
3- It's awful to be emotionally committed w/o it being reciprocated.

NanAZ said...

Are you speaking in code?

Just be open with your special someone and make sure they know your heart. It's better to find out if something isn't going to work earlier than later.

Where are you thinking of moving? Have you visited there yet? If not, you need to before you think of anything else more long term.

Love you,