Monday, August 03, 2009

Es Mi Casa

Amy just posted pictures of her and Andrew's apartment after living there for 6 weeks....I've lived in mine for 6 months and, alas, no pictures. So - since I finally cleaned my apartment - here are a couple of photos!

This is my "guest" bath...which is funny because I rarely have guests and it's super tiny. It also has hot pink towels and candles/deco which I LOVE! I'm slowely decorating each room in my apartment, and started with this one... My living room from view of my entry way/"dining" room (which has no table or chairs, only a makeshift bar). Nice and big, but also weird layout, which is why my couch is in the middle of the room. Still not sure about what to do with the space behind my couch since there is basically a wall of windows on the wall behind it... (i didn't even take a picture of the patio since there is nothing on it but dirt and leaves...)

My itsy-bitsy kitchen. No explanation neccesary.

My bedroom from view of my door. There's a fountain outside the window, which sounds lovely, but it also makes me wake up every morning thinking its raining. It's dissapointing when I turn on the news and find out its 110 degrees and not a cloud in sight. My messy, messy desk in the bedroom.. "Master" Bathroom. sink in the middle...toilet/shower on the right side, closet on the left.