Mostly because she is awesome. And she deserves recognition.
So Danielle and I met in 2nd grade and we HATED eachother for some reason that I no longer remember. We went to the same elementary school and I joined the Girl Scout troop that her mom led. Like I said...we hated eachother. But eventually we realized how completely amazing the other was and by 3rd grade we were best friends. And it's been that way ever since. Danielle and I both have this picture of us around 3rd grade at Girl Scout....we are all attitude and young and it is perfect. I don't have it scanned in my computer....but D has it framed/hung up in her place.
Granted we have had our hard times (6th grade anyone??? haha). We've grown apart, but we have always come back together. That's what great about having a BEST friend...even when you don't get to talk or see eachother all the time you know they will always be there when you need them. It's not superficial. No time, no distance really matters. Even at 10pm on a Sunday night when one of us is having a mental breakdown...the other will always be there.
Right now we are at very different points in our lives. Danielle is engaged to this amazing guy that she has been with for 5 years and I have the extreme privelege of being her Maid of Honor in their wedding next June. She is beautiful and smart and when she graduates next May she will become an amazing teacher.
I am...well I am me. Screwed up, overly emotional, erratic me.
In the end it doesn't matter because D is just about the only person that I can truly be myself around. She accepts me and that's what matters.
So...thanks D. For being my friend and my sister. For allowing me to be myself when no one else will. For being my BEST friend. Love you always.
3 comments: are gonna make me cry woman! :) I can't tell you what this means to me. Thank you. You are so wonderful too - and I know you've always got my back!! I loved how you said "But eventually we realized how completely amazing the other was." haha SO true! I love you, Lisa. And you are NOT screwed up. You're perfect. I can't wait to see you.
My friend Fernando is like that with me. It's nice having that kind of closeness and not having to worry about distance or trying to talk to someone everyday if you're busy but not worrying that they'll just brush you off.
Awwwwwwwwww...that's awesome. Congrats on having that type of connection with one person for so long. I've been through many best friends over the years, most recently in/after high school I had one for 6 years but then it ended (we had too big a fight to get over). Sad. Again, congrats!
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