Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Adventures of a Single 22-Year Old: Getting Over It

How do you trust another after you have been hurt so badly you don't think it's possible to trust someone again? When you give someone your entire heart and they tear it into pieces? Honestly, after something like is it possible to trust someone else not to do the same thing?

That's my dilemma lately. I hate being one of those girls who is so screwed up by the guy who screwed her over that she can't move on. It's not even that...I want to move on. In a lot of ways I have moved on. But I find myself getting close to someone and it's like something inside me pulls back and says "Woah wait - remember what happened last time you felt this way?" Which leads to the fact that I completely messed up an opportunity to get to know a seemingly great guy.

How do I get over it? How do I let someone in again?

"The reasons I'm alone I know by heart
But I don't want to spend forever in the dark
I swear next time I'll hang on for dear life
If love ever gives me another try"
-Josh Turner "Another Try"


Amy T Schubert said...

The good news is you recognize this is happening...

The bad news is you live far away from me.

No, kidding, of course.

It's just about reminding yourself, every day, that this isn't like last time. This isn't the same thing at all. Remind yourself how they are different, how the guy is different, how the situation is different.

Even if it seems repetitive and obvious, go through the steps of pointing out to yourself how it's not the same thing at all. Make a list and read it every day.

ALSO - Let's just assume some situation or other is very very similar to something that hurt you before. .... it is highly unlikely the new guy is TRYING to bring up that memory or TRYING to hurt you. You just might need to talk to him about how - when he does A - it makes you feel a certain way. ... if he's worth it he'll be understanding.


love you cuz

Ashley said...

I'm sorry to hear this new development, but came over to let you know how JEALOUS I am that you went to a Taylor Swift concert! Glad it was good, maybe someday I'll be able to go to one. Right now I'm just hoping for Warped Tour, lol.

NanAZ said...

Don't forget that it's o.k. to take it slow. It takes time to build trust and just because it's a new guy, doesn't mean the fears won't be there.

Anonymous said...

The possibilities for your life are endless. You have everything you need to make all your dreams come true. Be present to the opportunities that present themselves today and leave the past in the past. I know you and I know that what you can imagine you can achieve. Please don't do what I did when I was your age. Don't let your past be your prison. Don't fear the future. You are an amazing person. You can do anything you want. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

lisa, i know you're not princess but i think you're having a very soft heart.

thanks for your comment. yes, i am happy to my establishment, life and livestyles.

write me if you have time. i am not so good in english. sorry.

Unknown said...

lisa, i know you're not princess but i think you're having a very soft heart.

thanks for your comment. yes, i am happy to my establishment, life and livestyles.

write me if you have time. i am not so good in english. sorry.