Friday, September 07, 2007

and one more thing....actually a comment to my mother more than anyone else. So disregard unless your name is Diane and you live across the hall from me...

STOP asking me if I have met/talked to/flirted with any cute boys. I go to school to LEARN and I go to the gym to WORKOUT and I go to the store to SHOP (etc,etc,etc). My life does not revolve around how many cute boys I saw tonight. I'm not a boy-crazy 12 year old and I LIKE being single thank you very much.

How bout ya try asking me about what I learn in my classes versus who I see? ok? ok.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your mom, but woot woot for par-tay-ing it up in Tucson this weekend! WOOT WOOT!


NanAZ said...

Aw, mom's...Aren't they just a pain sometime? But then again, what would you do without them in your life.

Is she finally reading your blog? I know she kept forgetting to check it.

Love ya Lisa! I'm glad you're not obsessed with guys and that you can be happy alone. The time will come, but no need to hurry with so many other things to concentrate on right now.