Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On my soapbox

It is a fact that I am obsessed with Twilight. I love it. I would read the series over and over and over again if I had the time. It is a fun, creative story and Stephenie Meyer is an incredible author. Twilight is an escape into a fantasy world full of passionate love, adventure, mystery and hope.

That being said, I understand that Twilight is not a "classic". It will never be up there in the ranks of books by authors like Ayn Rand, Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingway or any other number of really amazing authors (in my opinion, of course). It is not an intense and intellectually stimulating novel. It is fun. FUN. F-U-N.

I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent person, but I continually get harped on for being a Twilight fan. Who cares what I read? At least I'm reading! And the same can be said for the millions of teenage girls (and boys) who have read Twilight. All of these young adults who may have little to no interest in reading before are now locked in their rooms reading! It's better than having their brains rotting away watching TV or playing video games, right?

So give myself and my fellow Twilight fans a break. It's ok if you're not a fan. Just like I am not a fan of Harry Potter (Sorry, Amy). We all have different tastes. But please do not act like you are better/smarter/cleaner/prettier/richer or able to cure cancer because you don't read it. We all have our guilty pleasures.

...Mine just happens to revolve around sparkling vampires.

Lisa. Out.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

-D. Out.