Tuesday, October 24, 2006

people bug me...

So I was sitting in my Urban Studies class this morning and a girl sits down next to me. She begins to complain to the person sitting on the other side of her about how hard this class is and how she isn't going to get a good grade. Ok-this is a 400-level course, not supposed to be easy. BUT I have 3 other upper division course that are as hard if not harder than this one. That's not the point though. Our professor is nice enough to put her lecture online every week so we can print it out and follow along/take notes during class. This girl who is complaining about this terrible class does not have the note printout and tells the guy next to her that she never "bothers" to print them out. Then, as soon as class starts, she proceeds to whip out her phone and text message for the entire class period. Hmmmm...I wonder why she thinks the class is hard....

Anyways, it really bugged me. I think that you only have the right to complain the classes if you legitimately do all the work and pay attention, but do not get the material. Oh made me mad and distracted me during class. ok-time to do homework now....


Amy T Schubert said...

That's why grad school rocks.